Jan 22, 2007

HIGHWAYS Challenge Grant

Earlier this month, HIGHWAYS received an exiciting new challenge from the Linden Foundation, a Boston-based organization that helps disadvantaged families achieve a better quality of life.

The foundation was gracious enough to give HIGHWAYS a $5,000 grant, with a challenge to raise $20,000 by June 30, 2007. If -- no, when -- we meet the goal, the foundation will give us another grant of $5,000.

We are ready to rise to the challenge! We've got some exciting events planned for the next few months, including an International Dessert Buffet and Silent Auction, a Walk-a-Thon and a Super 50/50 (with a top prize of $10,000!). We'll provide all the details here as they become available.

Of course, all donations -- however large or small -- would bring us one step closer to our goal. Your gift may be in memory or celebration of a loved one. All donations are tax deductible. For information on donating, e-mail information@windmillalliance.org.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Maria you ROCK! HIGHWAYS...embracing technology and clothes by the bag!

HIGHWAYS said...

Hm, maybe we should make that the official tagline. LOL. :-)