Apr 15, 2007

Shawl-Knitting Ministry

Knitters and crocheters -- and those who wish to learn -- are invited to join a ministry creating prayer shawls and lap robes for members of our community who are suffering from illness, loss or other challenges.

"This is a great way to do ministry, praying and creating something beautiful for someone while sitting in your own home," said Jane Jackson, one of the organizers. "The shawls bring warmth and comfort and the awareness that someone cares. I know because I am the happy recipient of an exquisite shawl made for me after a serious illness last year. Please consider joining us at our first monthly meeting on Saturday, April 21, at Trinity Church in Bayonne, at 1 p.m. We will meet monthly for mutual support and shared prayers for shawl recipients."

If you are interested, please contact Jane at jane@windmillalliance.org. To see examples of prayer shawls, visit www.adamsnanny.com and click on Prayer Shawl Ministry.

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